9 research outputs found


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    Social media is a reality in the information society. This research focuses in how the development of the information society and the presence of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) provide the acceptable environment for the deployment of organizational communication and social media marketing. It describes the particularities of social media as a growing phenomenon of great social appropriation that, thanks to the Internet, has caused that the modern organization contemplates implementing social media to its benefit. The purpose of this paper is to contextualize the use of social media and establish the challenges and opportunities of implement communication and social media marketing strategies in the organization. The present study confirms that the information society has established the conditions to properly implement social media marketing and the risks are considerably lower than the opportunities


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    During Development of this working paper, contextualization of current situation of Mexican SMEs is analized, the organizational culture that prevails on its strategic planning and the posibility of use knowledge management for better permanence and consolidation. The human resource profile guiding the SMEs is analized and also the importance of the implementation of information and communication technologies is mencioned as an important tool in the strategic planning of organizations which allows for better communication, oriented to organizational growth within a business demanding environment

    Implementación de la gestión por competencias en la empresa española: ¿antecedente o consecuencia de los resultados empresariales?

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    El presenta trabajo plantea la posibilidad de que la relación entre gestión por competencias como causante de los resultados empresariales pueda ser al revés, es decir, que produzca una causalidad inversa, de manera que sean las empresas con buenos resultados empresariales las que pueden permitirse implantar un sistema de gestión por competencias. En este sentido, las principales conclusiones de este trabajo se refieren a la existencia de una relación importante entre la capacidad económica de las empresas españolas y la implantación de la gestión por competencias de acuerdo a los distintos contrates llevados a cabo con los estadísticos del X2, tablas de contingencia, prueba binomial y de diferencia de proporciones a partir del valor de Z.This work raises the possibility that the relationship between management competencies as a cause of business performance may be the reverse,for example, that a reverse causality, so they are companies with good business results that can afford to implement a competency management system. In this sense, the main conclusions of this paper refer to the existence of a significant relationship between the economic capacity of the Spanish Companies and the introduction of competence management according to different contracts carried out with the statistical X2, Contingency tables, binomial test for proportions and difference from the value of Z


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    Social media is a reality in the information society. This research focuses in how the development of the information society and the presence of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) provide the acceptable environment for the deployment of organizational communication and social media marketing. It describes the particularities of social media as a growing phenomenon of great social appropriation that, thanks to the Internet, has caused that the modern organization contemplates implementing social media to its benefit. The purpose of this paper is to contextualize the use of social media and establish the challenges and opportunities of implement communication and social media marketing strategies in the organization. The present study confirms that the information society has established the conditions to properly implement social media marketing and the risks are considerably lower than the opportunities

    Cómo seleccionar y contratar empresas en el outsourcing utilizando la metodología de números borrosos

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    This paper proposes a fuzzy subsets methodology, in which an adequacy ratio is built in order to deal with the uncertainty on the selection of companies which arises of outsourcing contracts. Also, this paper carries out an analysis of the outsourcing potential as a business strategy, which for many companies nowadays is a main tool to establish competitive advantages.En este trabajo se propone una metodología de subconjuntos borrosos, en la cual se construye un coeficiente de adecuación con el fin de enfrentar la incertidumbre en la selección de empresas que surge de los contratos de outsourcing. Asimismo, en el artículo se lleva a cabo un análisis sobre algunas de sus potencialidades como estrategia de negocios, la que para muchas empresas es actualmente una de las principales herramientas para establecer ventajas competitivas

    Un análisis de la gestión por competencias en la empresa española: De la teoría a la práctica

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    Este trabajo aborda el tema de la gestión por competencias, una técnica para la gestión de los recursos humanos orientada a mejorar el rendimiento de los empleados y de la organización. Asimismo, se plantean interrogantes sobre el alto grado de implementación de esta técnica y su relación con el rendimiento empresarial en empresas de sectores específicos y con resultados económicos diversos.This paper is about the competency management, a technique for human resources management aimed at improving the performance of employees and organization performance. Specifically, there are concerns about the high degree of implementation of this technique and its relationship with management performance in specific industries with various economic outcomes

    Determinación de multas fiscales atendiendo a los principios de proporcionalidad y equidad utilizando lógica difusa

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    In this paper, a fuzzy triangular number methodology is proposed using a fuzzy controller with the MatLab © program, based on the diffuse control of Mamdani. Its main contribution is to show that fuzzy logic is an alternative tool to calculate the taxes fines gradually, given the lack of proportionality and equity of the current taxes framework of MexicoEn este trabajo se propone una metodología de números triangulares borrosos mediante un controlador difuso con el programa MatLab©, basado en el control difuso de Mamdani. Su principal contribución es mostrar que la lógica difusa es una herramienta alternativa para calcular de forma gradual las multas fiscales, ante la falta de proporcionalidad y equidad del actual marco fiscal de México

    Localización de empresas usando lógica difusa:: estrategia para su posicionamiento

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    This research consists of determining the optimal location in the certainty and uncertainty (diffuse environment) of a company dedicated to the production of avocado derivatives in the State of Michoacán taking into account objective and subjective factors. For this, the methodology proposed by Brown and Gibsosn (1972) - (B and G) will be used, it is presented in classical theory, and the analysis is done in an uncertainty environment using fuzzy logic, this approach has not been reported in the specialized literature for the treatment of the reference methodology. To obtain information (data) a panel of 5 experts is incorporated into the methodology of (B and G). The results obtained using fuzzy logic are efficient and effective, obtaining the optimum location in the community of San Juan Nuevo Parangaricutiro. From the above it is necessary that the application of (ByG) using NBT in the study of location of companies, provides information not provided of origin that is very valuable to strengthen the decision making and design and implementation of strategic business development plans.Esta investigación, consiste en determinar la ubicación óptima en la certeza e incertidumbre de una empresa dedicada a la producción de derivados del aguacate en el Estado de Michoacán, para ello toma en consideración factores objetivos y subjetivos. En este estudio se usará como base la metodología propuesta por Brown y Gibsosn (1972)- (B y G), la misma es presentada en teoría clásica, además se hace el análisis en un ambiente de incertidumbre usando lógica difusa, este enfoque no se ha reportado en la literatura especializada para el tratamiento de la metodología de referencia. Para la obtención de información (datos) se incorpora a la metodología de (B y G) apoyada por un panel de 5 expertos. Los resultados obtenidos usando lógica difusa, son eficientes y eficaces, se obtiene la ubicación óptima en la comunidad de San Juan Nuevo Parangaricutiro. De lo anterior se tiene que la aplicación de (ByG) usando números borrosos triangulares (NBT) en el estudio de localización de empresas, en el estudio se obtiene información no proporcionada de origen que es muy valiosa para fortalecer la toma de decisiones y diseño e implantación de planes estratégicos de desarrollo empresarial

    The Sonozotz project: Assembling an echolocation call library for bats in a megadiverse country

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    Bat acoustic libraries are important tools that assemble echolocation calls to allow the comparison and discrimination to confirm species identifications. The Sonozotz project represents the first nation-wide library of bat echolocation calls for a megadiverse country. It was assembled following a standardized recording protocol that aimed to cover different recording habitats, recording techniques, and call variation inherent to individuals. The Sonozotz project included 69 species of echolocating bats, a high species richness that represents 50% of bat species found in the country. We include recommendations on how the database can be used and how the sampling methods can be potentially replicated in countries with similar environmental and geographic conditions. To our knowledge, this represents the most exhaustive effort to date to document and compile the diversity of bat echolocation calls for a megadiverse country. This database will be useful to address a range of ecological questions including the effects of anthropogenic activities on bat communities through the analysis of bat sound.</p